If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery as they say,
then 21 Jump Street should feel
pretty good right about now. The unlikely hit of 2012 has seen two other former
TV shows revived for the silver screen in 2017, one that failed miserably (CHiPs) and one where the jury is still
out (Baywatch). But the similarities
are there from the start, a film that attempts to play with clichés; an element
that 21 Jump Street absolutely
When cops Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum)
join the secret Jump Street unit, they use their youthful appearances to go
undercover as high-school students. They trade in their guns and badges for
backpacks, and set out to shut down a dangerous drug ring. But, as time goes on,
Schmidt and Jenko discover that high school is nothing like it was just a few
years earlier -- and, what's more, they must again confront the teenage terror
and anxiety they thought they had left behind.
Infiltrate the dealers, find the supplier. A straightforward
story with undercover cops that fits in line with what 21 Jump Street wants to be. In terms of plot, the film progresses
in a way you’d expect with an attempt at a twist that kind of works, but it’s
not a huge part of the film anyway so it’s okay. The set-up is perfect for
numerous comedic situations and antics for the two leads, including some truly
gut busting scenes.
The two leads here are hilarious, with very little room for
any argument against their comedic chops. Jonah Hill is obviously funny, but
everyone already knew that. The real surprise is Channing Tatum, who gets
newfound respect for his comedic timing and chemistry with co-star Hill. But
even those two aren’t the only highlights. Ice Cube steals most of the scenes
he is in and Dave Franco gets quite a few moments to shine, both offering
support for the comedic elements of the film.
Very few films accomplish what 21 Jump Street doe with such ease. The film does a spectacular job
of playing on clichés and being so self-aware of itself that it plays up the
comedy even more. The jokes hit and hit constantly but it’s not without some
heart as well. You’d be hard pressed to not laugh throughout the film and while
some jokes may miss, one is bound to follow up and make up for it.
Overall, 21 Jump
Street is a textbook example of how to bring together a comedy in a perfect
way. With leads that have comedic timing and chemistry together, a supporting
cast that manages to shine through, and a self-aware sense of humor, the film
is almost unbelievable in its ability to get laughs. 21 Jump Street offers everything you’d want from a comedy and more,
and if you haven’t seen it, make an effort to (maybe even the sequel as well).
So what did you think of 21 Jump Street? Is
there any other TV to Movie adaptations that stand out to you? Share,
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