Any film is
inevitably going to be compared to a film of the past with similar themes or
within the same genre. Unfortunately for The Shallows, the best film that it
can be compared just so happens to one of the first major blockbusters and a
cinematic classic, Jaws. Those are some big shoes to fill, but thankfully The
Shallows doesn’t try to measure up to that legacy, crafting it’s own intense
and entertaining tale.
After suffering a
tragedy in her life at home, Nancy Adams (Blake Lively) travels to a secluded
beach for some much needed alone time in the sun and sand. Despite the dangers
of surfing alone, Nancy hits the water looking for the peace she came for.
Everything comes crashing down when she encounters a great white shark and
becomes stranded two hundred yards from the shore.
Survivalist stories
such as this have a severe lack of story surrounding them. But very rarely do
they need them and the minimal story provided before the terror begins is just
enough to let everyone in the audience know what Nancy is all about and why she
has made her way to this paradise. Every element beyond the introduction is
there to build the suspense in any way possible and it works marvelously.
With something like
The Shallows there is very likely only one performance that is worth
discussing. In this instance it’s Blake Lively, who carries the film with often
little to interact with (outside of an injured seagull) and little to no
dialogue for a lot of the runtime. This is a role, very similar to her husband’s
role in 2010’s Buried, which can show everyone just how well she can act.
One thing that is
absolutely commendable of the film and of director Jaume Collet-Serra is the
excellent use of tension. The film is able to play on the dread of what’s next
so well and draws the audience in without always relying on the typical
suspense techniques. There’s something about seeing a great white shark circle
an ever-shrinking island that will just send shivers down your spine. And that’s
another plus for the thriller; the way the film is shot. Everything from
overhead shots to under the waves themselves is shot beautifully and looks gorgeous
on the big screen.

So what did you think of The Shallows? Have you seen it and what's your favorite shark film besides Jaws? Subscribe, share, comment below and as always return to I Am Sam for weekly reviews and insight.
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