In 2002, news
producer Kim Baker (Tina Fey) decides to shake up her life by taking a new
assignment in Kabul, Afghanistan. Quite shaken by the culture change, Baker is
taken under the wing of Tanya Vanderpoel (Margot Robbie), a fellow journalist
in the war zone. Amid the chaos of everything Afghanistan has to offer, Kim
Baker slowly discovers what it means to be a good corespondant.
Perhaps the biggest
problem Whiskey Tango Foxtrot has is its confusion over what type of film it
wishes to be. Is it a drama? Maybe a comedy? Or perhaps a romance? It changes
from genre to genre as a quick pace, one that can’t be shrugged off as just
dipping into each.
The script, by
Robert Carlock, has some witty dialogue with a few moments of tension, but
features the unintelligent decisions of seemingly smart characters just to
create those dramatic moments. The story is relatively cookie-cutter
fish-out-of-water storytelling with some violence and language thrown in.
The performances,
however, really redeem the film. Tina Fey is at her best here and perfectly
cast as Kim Barker (even though they changed the last name). But she isn’t the
standout here. While Billy Bob Thornton is funny as the stereotypical general
and Martin Freeman is great as the roguish Scottish photographer, the true
standout is Christopher Abbott. As Kim’s handler and interpreter Fahim, Abbott
offers the film a more sympathetic character than anything else. He becomes
like a brother to Kim and that relationship becomes a real highlight by the end
A minor misstep might
be the casting of Alfred Molina as the Afghanistan official with a minor infatuation
with Kim. It’s not that Molina is bad in the role by any means, in fact he eats
the dialogue up here, but it’s the casting of a clearly non-afghan actor for an
Afghan role. It seems like something that could’ve been easily done considering
how minor the part was. On the bright side, the character and Fahim are neither
one portrayed as stereotypes, and that has to be somewhat commended.
Overall, Whiskey
Tango Foxtrot is entertaining enough. It’s funny because of the brilliant cast
and witty dialogue, but stumbles a little when it tries to get too deep. Tina
Fey proves she can get serious (somewhat) and perhaps even pursue bigger and
more dramatic roles in the future. It shows a different side to the war besides
the explosions and death, offering a little breath of fresh air. (6.5/10)
So what did you think of Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? Have you seen it and what's the best Iraq war film you've seen? Share, comment below, and as always return back to I Am Sam for weekly reviews and insight.
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